Cart Option Block: Upsells
The Upsell Cart Option Block has different display and configuration options.
The upsells pull from pre-configured products in your Shopify store. So if you are looking to add an upsell of a product that doesn’t currently exist on your store, you will need to create a new product. If you do not want it to show anywhere other than the upsell, simply ensure that it is not in any relevant collections that will render it elsewhere.
For Cart Option Upsells, there are 3 display options:
Image Row displays upsell products as a row of selectable images:
Checkbox List displays products as a list of checkboxes, with their images to the right:
Dropdown displays upsell products as a standard dropdown menu:
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Contact Support Conditionally Showing Datepicker Blocks Based on Product Types in Cart Using the Hidden Input Block
Showing Product Option Blocks Based on Customer Tags with the Hidden Input Block
Introduction to Cart Options
Cart Option Block: Image Gallery
Build a Cart Options Set
Dynamic Display Logic in Cart Options
Cart Option Block: Upsells
Cart Option Block: Gift Message
Cart Option Block : Datepicker
Cart Option Block: File Upload
Cart Option Block: Color Swatch
Cart Option Block: Inputs (Text, Number, Email, Phone, Textarea)
Cart Option Block: Selections (Checkbox, Radio Button, Dropdown, Color Picker)
Preventing Checkout Until Giftship Bundles are Loaded
Adding Bundles when a User Navigates to the Cart Page