Remove British Forces from Multi-Address Modal
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through removing “British Forces” from the multi-address modal.
Step 1: Duplicate Your Live Theme
Always work on a duplicated development theme to ensure your live store remains unaffected by changes.
Step 2: Create and Upload the Snippet
- Navigate to the Assets folder of your theme.
- Create a new JavaScript file named
. - Copy and paste the following code into the file:
class ClassWatcher { constructor(targetNode, classToWatch, classAddedCallback, classRemovedCallback) { this.targetNode = targetNode this.classToWatch = classToWatch this.classAddedCallback = classAddedCallback this.classRemovedCallback = classRemovedCallback = null this.lastClassState = targetNode.classList.contains(this.classToWatch) this.init() } init() { = new MutationObserver(this.mutationCallback) this.observe() } observe() {, { attributes: true }) } disconnect() { } mutationCallback = mutationsList => { for(let mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'class') { let currentClassState = if(this.lastClassState !== currentClassState) { this.lastClassState = currentClassState if(currentClassState) { this.classAddedCallback() } else { this.classRemovedCallback() } } } } } } (function() { var removeOpts = function() { setTimeout(function() { var provinceEl = document.querySelector('#gsNewProvince'); var optionEls = provinceEl.querySelectorAll('option'); //console.log("optionEls", optionEls); optionEls.forEach(function(el) { console.log("el.value", el.value); if (el.value === "British Forces") { el.remove(); } }); }, 300); }; document.querySelector('#gsNewCountry').addEventListener('change', function(e) { //console.log("change", e); removeOpts(); }); let classWatcher = new ClassWatcher(document.querySelector('.gs__a-modal'), 'gs__m-open', removeOpts, function() { }); removeOpts(); })();
Step 3: Edit theme.liquid to Include the Snippet
- Open theme.liquid in your theme editor.
- Scroll to the bottom of the file, just above the closing
tag. - Paste the following code:
{% if request.path contains '/a/gs/cart/' %} <script src="{{ 'giftship-british-forces.js' | asset_url }}"></script> {% endif %}
Step 4: Remove Additional Provinces (e.g., Northern Ireland)
if (el.value === "British Forces" || el.value === "Northern Ireland") { el.remove(); }
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