Conditionally Showing Datepicker Blocks Based on Product Types in Cart Using the Hidden Input Block

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to conditionally show or hide a Datepicker block based on whether a product of type “REQUIRES-DRY-ICE” is in the cart, using the Hidden Input Block.

Please note: This is an advanced tutorial and should be completed by a qualified Shopify developer familiar with Javascript. If you are not working with a developer and would like us to handle this for you, we can do so for a flat fee of $100 USD. Payment can be made by navigating to the following URL:

Step 1: Duplicate Your Live Theme

It is good practice to work on a development theme.

Step 2: Upload Snippet

Create a JS file named “giftship-dry-ice” in the “assets” folder and copy and paste the following code:

(() => {
    const MODULE = {

        initialized: false,
        requiresDryIce: false,

        init() {
            this.initialized = true;

        registerEventHandlers() {
            document.addEventListener('giftship.loaded', () => {
            document.addEventListener('giftship.drawer-cart.opened', () => {

        registerElements() {
            this.hiddenInputProduct = document.querySelector('#gsAppContainer input[name="attributes[_type]"]');
            this.hiddenInputDrawer = document.querySelector('#gsDrawer input[name="attributes[_type]"]');

        checkCartForDryIce() {

                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(cart => {
                    //console.log('Cart fetched:', cart);
                    return Promise.all( =>
                        fetch(`/products/${item.handle}.js`).then(res => res.json())
                .then(products => {
                    this.requiresDryIce = products.some(product => product.type === "REQUIRES-DRY-ICE");
                .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching cart or products:', error));

        populateHiddenInput() {
            if (this.hiddenInputProduct) this.hiddenInputProduct.value = this.requiresDryIce ? 'true' : 'false';
            if (this.hiddenInputDrawer) this.hiddenInputDrawer.value = this.requiresDryIce ? 'true' : 'false';



Step 3: Edit theme.liquid and Include Snippet

At the bottom of this document, directly above the closing </body> tag, paste the following code:

<script src="{{ 'giftship-dry-ice.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>

Step 4: Set Up a Cart Option Set

Create a cart option set and navigate to Display Settings. Make sure the cart set is set for display.

Step 5: Add a Hidden Input Block

Create a hidden input block. You can name the input anything, but for this tutorial, use “_type” and remember to uncheck “Ignore value.”

Step 6: Add the Datepicker Blocks

Create the first datepicker block and move to the display rules tab.

  • Display Option: Select “When all conditions are met.”
  • Block Conditions: Show IF block “_type” is equal to “true.”
  • Do the opposite for the second date picker block (eg. equal to false).

Step 7: Test, Test and Test!

Preview the development theme, add items with and without product type “REQUIRES-DRY-ICE” and remove, refresh and repeat.

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