Adding a Gift Message to Your Box Builder with the Stack Theme

Follow these steps to add a gift message field to a Box Builder form step with “To” and “From” inputs formatted similar to the below image.
gift message layout

Open the Box Builder in the Giftship dashboard.

(Shopify Admin -> Apps -> Giftship -> Manage Box Builders -> Box Builder Name)

Click Add a Step and create a new form step in the Box Builder or click Edit Step to add the gift message to an existing form step.

Add 3 fields to the form step: Text Input for the “To” field, Text Input for the “From” field, and Textarea for the “Gift message” field. Optionally, add a character limit to the Textarea input.

If you are using the Stack Theme, the “To” and “From” fields can be positioned together on the top row of the form by adding the following CSS override in the Box Builder Settings.

(Shopify Admin -> Apps -> Giftship -> Manage Box Builders -> Box Builder Settings)

/** Gift message formatting **/
#boxBuilderRoot .gs__form-step {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

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